March 30, 2010


faka likes to laugh and talk a lot with me, i love it. and when he don't, i just wanna cry.

faka likes to stare. when he stare at people, i feel jealous and when he stare at me, i feel shy. and when he don't, i just sit and wait for it.

faka likes to keep me cuddle and comfy, i like it so much. and when he don't i start to do faces.

faka likes to lying down on the sofa, and i always sit beside him. and when he don't, i'm the one lying down on him.

faka always wake me up in the morning with his hugs and kisses on my forehead. i lovee it. and when he don't, i always woke up late and missing him like crazy.

faka likes to watch tv, me too. and when he don't we'll start to tickle each other and make some stupid jokes and laugh with tears.

faka likes to hug me from the back. woo. loovee it. and when he don't, i'll put my arms around him from the back.

faka likes to listen to songs. same with me! and when he don't, i'll sing for him ; sometimes..

faka love to hold my hand. it makes me feel safe. when he don't, i'll hold his hand in the car.

faka always there for me, everyday every seconds, everywhere. and when he don't, i just stay still by myself, in my room and wish that he could be here with me before i cry.

sayang. i love you oke. *sexy sikit gambar ni. sorry sayang!*

note : muehehe..


TESINGGUNG, TESINGGUNG, TESINGGUNG.. dush! dush! tu je. byebye.

note : im the one that being THE STUPID. so ignore this entry. because it's my fault and i failed him. and and i shouldn't disappointed with him. I AM DISAPPOINTEDDDD WITH MY OWN STUPID MESSY UGLY IDIOT SELF.
i love you so much faka. i'm sorryyyyyyyy. and it's all my fault. give me a hug when we meet. and and a kiss too lahh..

note [again] : ignore this okeyy. leave it. shushh. thankyouuu...


will i be like this in the future because of love. yeah ofcos la without the beard and moustache

so pathetic !!

i fight with him, because I'm moody and he's tired.
i rarely listen to my mom, because I'm stubborn and she's a mother.
i stop teaching, because my student is very hyper, likes to play a lot and i hate being a teacher.
i always yell at my sisters, because I'm tired of doing things for them and they are still lazy.
i cry a lot, because I'm stress and tired about studying.
i always angry, because something happened and im a very bad tempered person.
i feel blank, because i don't want to stay away from him and i can't stay away from him because he always there with me every seconds and i love him so much much much and i will be lost without him ! gosh -.-''

note : it's sucks to be like this.

March 28, 2010

little spots [again]

wohoo.. cite kali ni bukan la pasal spots on the heart lagi dah. ini cite spots, kat pipi. muehheheh. anda mesti tau ape die spots kat pipi kan.. pimples la.. sudah sampai mase agaknye, dalam keadaan yang stress lagi tegang sekarang ni, timbul la jerawat. dush! sangat saket dan menyeksakan hidup.

faka pun ade jgk. bkn aku sorang. die sketul aje kat pipi, aku sampai 3 ketul. huu!! itu saje. haha. budus aje la..

note : gambar tak nampak sangat. kalau nak tengok jgk, teliti aje la. haha. dush dush! budus aku nehhh.. :/

March 26, 2010


tragedi tragedi. grr !! takde intro. bace ajelah.

time ni mase aku kecik kecik dulu. aku suke sangat pegi pasar malam. tragedi ni berlaku mase aku umur bape tah. malam tu aku taknak abah dukung aku. eksyen sangat kononnye nak jalan sendiri. tapi abah pimpin tangan aku. tibetibe aje aku lepas tangan abah. entah kenape tah. tak ingat. pastu, tanpa menoleh kiri kanan atas bawah, aku pun pegang semule tangan abah, *iye ke abah??.. then then, aku nampak la orang jual belon. dah jadi lumrah budakbudak kan, kalau nampak belon je mesti nak. aku pun jadi cam monyet. goncanggoncang tangan abah sambil bekate, abah, nak belon. abah, nak belonnn.. nak sangat belon tuhh. tetibe aje aku tepandang sorang budak laki ni, same besar je ngan aku, pimpin tangan 'abah' aku. aku pun cepatcepat pandang muke abah. eh! bukan abah la. pakcik tu sengih je kat aku. aku pandang depan. abah aku pun tesengih sengih kat bawah payung tgk aku dah salah orang. haha. malu nye..

mase aku darjah enam plak. mase ni dah habes UPSR. seronok la kan merayau keliling sekolah ngan kawankawan. satu hari, mase merayau rayau keliling sekolah cam YB, aku dan kawankawan, ipah dan ikah---dorang kembar, rase lapar. nak tunggu rehat, rase tak larat sangat dah. kitorang pun behenti dulu kat satu meja kosong belakang kelas ny. aku pun cakap, best kan kalau tetibe je ade nasi lemak jatuh. boleh kite makan. lepas cakap camtuh kitorang meneruskan perjalanan kitorang yg ala-ala YB tuh. dah penat, entah datang naluri dari mane, kitorang pegi balik kat meja kosong tadi. tapi meja tu dah tak kosong dah. ade tiga bungkus nasi lemak atas tu. wahh wahh. kitorang ape lagi, rembat aje lah sebab ingat wishes aku tadi dah come true *logik ke turun nasi lemak dari langit??.. kitorang pun makan la tanpa rase waswas. beberape jam lepas tu, datang la puan empunye nasi lemak, mintak ganti rugi. then then, aku yg kena bayar tiga tiga bungkus nasi lemak tu sebab aku yg wish nasi lemak turun dari langit. tak adil kan. padahal makan same same. uhh! -.-''

this one is a humiliation for me. mase tuh aku form 1. perangai pun cam budak budak lagi kan. pagi pagi, cam biase la kan kena beratur depan kelas, nyanyi lagu negaraku, bace doa. aku plak tak retireti nak beratur. aku pegi melawat kawan aku kat kelas hujung. time tu orang semua dah beratur. kawan aku cakapcakap. tapi aku tak dengar. aku pun ikut la die. die pun ngokngek tak benti jalan, and jalan ke longkang. aku yg tak nampak longkang, lajulaju telah terjun kedalam longkang. satu sekolah tengok aku. mmg malu la mase tu. haha. dah la malu, sakit kaki lagi. perggh! sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga.

em. time aku form 3 pulak, first time pegi camping. aku mase tu join kadet bomba. malam kedua camping tu, kitorang kena night walk. aku yg nervous lagi penakut ni, terkial kial bangun pagi*pukul 2, tengah best tido, sape tak terkial kial kan.. pagi tu memang takde sape yg mandi. air cam ais. sape nak mandi.. bergerak la kami ke dalam hutan. oopss. sebelum tu kitorang kena bahagi pada groups. campurcampur sekolah. lagi la nervous aku, tah dgn sapesape aku kena redah hutan. back to the story, kami pun bergerak ke dalam hutan. selepas 20 minit berjalan bersama sama, aku pun semakin mengantuk, sejuk dan tetibe aku hilang dari pandangan mereka. sebab dah jatuh ke tepi, bawah, dalam lubang besar. semua panik aku hilang. ade la sorang mamat ni tolong aku. naseb baik aku tak kena tinggal. sekali lagi sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga. tangan aku luka luka kena akar pokok yg tajam tajam.

then, kisah ni mase aku, faka, mak and adikadik ku tengah syioook gile makan. aku makan nasi paprik, faka makan nasi goreng ikan masin, mak makan nasi dgn sup sayur, and adikadik, tak payah bagitau la. adikadik tak kena tragedi ni. tengah mak sedap sedap menghirup sup sayur nye, aku terpandang la sesuatu yg pelik atas sayur sawi. aku pun belek belek sayur sawi dalam mangkuk mak. rupe rupenye telur lalat ! can you imagine ?? aku ngan faka gelak gelak la kat mak. tetibe, seekor cicak yg hampeh lagi durjana, telah melepaskan hajatnye ke dalam pinggan nasi aku. aku pandang aje la nasi tu. nak buat camne. setelah itu, faka pun ketakutan *wah. makin dramatis ayatkuh. hahah -.-''' .. faka membelek belek nasi gorengnya. dan dan terjumpe la lalat penyek. haha. klako gile. lalat penyek. haha. okeoke. back to the story.. kami pun berhenti la makan. and the good news is, hari tu kami makan free. wee.!! hehe. bdoh aje..

well. sampai sini aje la story mory aku ye.. dah naik keras jari menekan keyboard. enjoy enjoy.

p/s : kalau ingat balik ase nak menjerit pun ade. malu malu. !!!


March 25, 2010

yahoo bodoh

sebab ape yahoo bodoh.??? sebab dah dekat setengah jam aku nak bukak email aku. tapi tak lepas lepas. makin complex dah.!! dah tawu ade penggune yahoo yang bodoh cam aku ni, lagi die wat complex. wtf......!!

keje gile :)

okeoke. camne nak start ni ek.. petang hari bile entah, faka dah nak pegi main bola. hari baru lepas hujan. tapi die nak jugak naik motor.*okeoke. aku yg nak naik motor.. then then, faka sangat sangat sangat tegang. die bawak motor laju.*takde la laju sangat. cume nak bagi suspens siket je. okeoke. aku tak boleh la tgk faka tension camtu. tp dah lambat sangat nak gi main bola. so aku pun dapat la idea bdoh ni.*gara gara terpengaruh cite YES MAN kat HBO. aku ambik phone faka, and snap a picture. die gelak sakan kat depan. haha. and then aku snap lagi picture kitorang atas motor, sebab pict mule mule kitorang nampak tak berapa hemsem. hee. faka ketawa lagi. well. a victory for me. for making faka laugh. yay for me !! and and faka menang main bola.*although cume main dgn kawankawan nye. tapi die tetap score gol and menang. hee~ lalala.

p/s: gambar ni pun tak cantik sangat. muke faka separuh and and aku pulak cam monyet tesengih sengih. tapi lantak la kan. janji ade gambar untuk blog aku neh. haha.


March 23, 2010

our moment.


i don't know how to start it actually. happy gile malam nii... hee.. i'll describe it as the most happy night ever with my man. he is so romantic, funny, irresistable, and passion. gosh he's damn crazy hot. haha. he always make me happy with him. he's damn charming. god god god. cemane la na describe how happy i am tonight. hahahahaha. happy gile gile gile gile. *can you imagine how happy i am. =D ..

happy gile gile gile gile gile gile gile gile. haha. ily AHMAD DIL FAKAR. and will always love you.


March 22, 2010

tak sabar weyh ! haha.

lambat lagi bulan 6. tapi aku dah tak sabar dah ni. kalo boleh pusing jam, dah lame aku pusing pusing. haha. tak sabar gile ni. kenapa? nak pegi mane bulan 6? wait for it. pasti ada dalam blog ni. lambat kan bulan 6. adehh.. haha.. tah pape je. :p


the little spots

a year pass by, silently. i couldn't even notice the time *weired sentence -.-''' . it's a pleasent time with my love one, FAKA. but, there are a little things , that spotted on my feelings. it is, a disappointment. for the things that i wish he forget, but he couldn't. for the things that i wish he could trust, but he couldn't. and for the things that i wish he could remember, but he couldn't.

or maybe i'm the one who have failed in my promise. to make him walked away from his past, and live happily ever after or to make him comfy inside my heart. have i failed ? but, all of that seems like little spots in my heart. i am happy with him. he has magic in his eyes. he could cheer me up and make the grey sky vanish. he is my lucky charm. he makes me feel lucky all the time because he is mine. he is a gift from god. and god want me to take care of him and always please him. these are the reasons that keep me happy and patience to wait for him..

kau tercipta untukku
menatap indahnya senyuman di wajahmu,
membuatku terdiam dan terpaku,

mengerti akan hadirnya cinta terindah,
saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku,

banyak kata,

yang tak mampu ku ungkapkan,
kepada dirimu,
aku ingin engkau selalu,
hadir dan temani aku,
di setiap langkah,

yang meyakiniku,
kau tercipta untukku.
meski waktu akan mampu,
memanggil seluruh ragaku,
ku ingin kau tahu,
ku selalu milikmu,
yang mencintaimu,
sepanjang hidupku..

hanyalah dirimu yang aku cintai,
dan sungguh,
ku kan di sisimu hingga ku mati.

aku ingin engkau selalu,
hadir dan temani aku,
di setiap langkah,
yang meyakiniku,
kau tercipta untukku,
sepanjang hidupku..


March 21, 2010

21st march

see that babe beside me. today ; 21032010, is her birthday. happy 18th birthday my shorty. hee. dia adalah the best buddy ever. n i really miss her a lot.

babe, happy birthday to you okay. may you happy turning 18 sayangg. remember me always as your friend. i miss you a lot. besa dah rupenye kawan aku ni kan. haha. and and may you enjoy your life. like me.! hee. love you babe.


March 20, 2010


20 march 2010. 2.25 pm.

sangat sangat pelik dan menakutkan bagi saya. matahari tetibe jadi camni. gambar ni ditangkap oleh mak saya. dah terjadi sekali beberapa minggu lepas. tapi ramai yg tak perasan. saya pun tak perasan sebenarnye. tapi faka text saya n cakap ' yang. tgk matahari. pelik kan.?' pernah ke tahun tahun sebelum ni jadi camni.? kenapa agaknye ada bulatan kat matahari tu.? pelik pelik. apa apa pun ingat la kite dah ada kat akhir zaman. mungkin sebab tu la banyak sangat benda benda pelik jadi. wallahualam.


March 18, 2010


HITAM. died : 060405

tujuan saya tulis cite ni bukan terlalu agungkan kucing ni. tapi sekadar kenangan. kucing hitam saya yg sangat saya sayang sentiasa di dalam ingatan saya. tiada yg istimewa kucing ni. tetap sama ngan kucing lain. tapi ada beberapa kelakuannya yg membuat saya gembira.

1. hitam suka naik kereta dan selalu ada dalam kereta bila mak ambil saya balik skolah.

2. hitam suka tidur atas bantal yg sama dgn saya mase tidur.

3. hitam suka main buih sabun dalam sinki.

4. hitam suka tengok tv.

5. hitam sangat manja.. comey gile.

6. hitam selalu kejut saya pukul 5.20 pg. suoh smyg subuh agaknye.

7. hitam selalu jilat bulu mata org tengah tidur. kadang kadang mak cepuk muka dia..

8. hitam suka bergurau sorang sorang. kadang kadang sampai tetido.

9. hitam tak penah bergurau kasar dgn saya. cerdik kan.?

ahh ! byk la lg. susa na bgtau. uhh.. -.-''' apa apa pun hitam tetap dalam ingatan saya. tak ada kucing lain yg sama dgn dia.. one of a kind. HITAM : rest in peace dear. ily

p/s : gambar tu bukan gambar hitam oke. cume sama warna aje. :)


March 17, 2010


nape sume org nak tentukan hidup aku hah.! nape tak boleh biarkan aku je yang tentukan hidup aku. nak pakse-pakse aku wat ape yang aku tak minat langsung. tolonglah faham aku. jangan paksa aku lagi. tolonglahhhh.!!!! :(

my dream honeymoon place

JW Marriott Hotel & Resort. sangat cantik dan menarik. harganya pun sangat memeningkan. tapi tak kisah la pasal harga tu kan. tempat ni cukup cantik dan sesuai untuk pasangan yang baru aje kahwin. pemandangan sewaktu matahari terbenam sangat romantik gile dan indah. wah wah ! sebab itu lah saya pilih Phuket sbg tempat bulan madu. haha.. *kahwin pun belum. -.-" tak kisah la 10 tahun kahwin baru dapat pegi. asalkan pegi. ;p

hotel room. cantik kan. pukul brape baru bangun tido neh.. :)

pemandangan hotel.

pemandangan waktu malam.

when the sun is set. cantikkan.?

semua ni hanya mimpi. memang teringin sangat nak pegi dgn suami tercinta ; faka la kan. tapi kami tak berharap tinggi. kalau rezeki banyak kami pegi la. :)


March 16, 2010

what will you say

  • if i said this picture is cute.
  • if i said this picture is romantic.
  • if i said this picture is horny. :p
  • if i said this picture is great.
  • if i said this picture is art.
  • if i said this picture is pure love.
  • if i said this picture is beautiful.
  • if i said this picture is interesting.
  • if i said this picture gorgeous.
  • if i said this picture is nice.
  • if i said this picture have style.
  • if i said this picture is sweet.
  • if i said this picture is passion.

what will you say to me if i said like that.?



dua hari lepas kami pegi makan bakso. yumm. mmg sedaap.!

faka kate bakso tak kena selera dia. tak selera nak makan..

tapi ini 'result' mangkuk bakso faka selepas 20 minit. haha. faka mmg suka wat camny. n that's why i love him very much. :)


beautiful but deadly

tell me everything about the ocean. praise it ; it's beautiful, it's the greatest creation, it's calm. but it won't change my thoughts about it. it's cold, cruel and deadly.

see this.. you'll stuck here and die.

look at this creature. scary ain't.

this creature will bite and kill you. no ocean for me..

this creature is small and cute. but if it sting you, you could be dead in a few hours.

there.. you've seen a few. but there are thousands of scary creature in the ocean. think twice before you love the ocean.



well. saje nak kongsi masa-masa bahagia kami. read it or leave it.

ini gambar kami yg first. setahun yg lepas. masa ni kitorang kawan lagi. baru je rapat2 nak jadi pacar. hehe ;p

gambar ni kitorang ambik masa pegi funfair. sonok gile time ni.

ni mase hari valentines. *captured by mak

ni kat Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur. bulan puasa 2009. shopping raye la weyh..

tiap-tiap malam kami bersama. malam ni kami pegi Resthouse, Kuala Lipis.

ini Hari Raya Aidilfitri pertama kami bersama.

kami suka mandi. takde cara da nak mandi sama. camni je boleh. haha. Pulau Chekas, Kuala Lipis, Pahang.

22nd birthday. 290909. happy birthday sayangkuh.! :)

17 years old now. haha. muda lagi. :)

lepak-lepak. kami mmg suke lepak. *muke aku tak ikhlas nak senyum. majok+saket perut. ahaah. *captured by sape tah. lupe.! :D

our second valentines. romantic ouhh..! ahakk.

17022010 our first anniversary. kami pegi Kuala Lumpur. Time Square lagik la. *dalam monorel time ni.. gambar ade gegar sikit.

Kuala Lumpur trip lagi. 23022010

Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan. nampak lutut kau sayang.

ni kat kedai Kulat. kulat tu best friend faka.

faka baru balek keje. walaupun peluh-peluh tapi saya tetap suka peluk dia. *kami mmg suka dduk kepit-kepit camni. ahakk.

Taman Tasik Residen, Kuala Lipis. lepak-lepak aje. awal lagi nak balek rumah.

pegi sarap. yg merah tu cinta aty kami. mini kan.?

ini waktu gila-gila kami. happy bila dengan dia.

ni saja buat sekarang. have fun reading..