July 9, 2010

how old is your dad?

i read this in the news paper yesterday. it's kinda touching me.. sangat sangat sweet!

a conversation between a boy and a girl. after a while talking, the boy ask the girl.

boy : how old is your dad?
girl : my dad is as old as me.
boy : how's that??
girl : he only became a father when i was born.
boy : oh yeah..

the boy just keep silence. shock to that girls answer.

oke... the truth is, dialog tu ade la di modified sikit. hee.. memandangkan aku neh anak sulung, so my dad is as old as me! yey abah! he's 17 years 8 month and 30 days.. muda lagi abahku. although father's day dah lepas beberapa minggu yang lalu.. tapi abah, happy father's day. sorry tak wish kat abah.. anyway, i love you abah.. abah the best in my life!

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